Top 5 mobility devices to help you enjoy the outdoors

Spending time indoors is at times necessary– especially for individuals who are undergoing recovery. But an environment that supplies artificial light and poorly circulating air does very little for a person’s mental and physical well-being. Mediplus Mobility is your one-stop shop to provide you with mobility devices to give you the confidence and comfort you need to feel safe when heading outdoors– as more and more research continues to show that it has great benefits for your health.

mobility devices outsideTake humans’ need for Vitamin D, for example. Spending time under the warm glow of natural light will make your bones stronger and give a much needed boost to your immune system (especially during cooler months!). Sunshine is also partly responsible for helping to prevent autoimmune disorders. When you venture outdoors you are also helping your body to rest better. Artificial light can throw off your sleeping patterns, but natural light helps to regulate your biological clock and help you achieve a smoother bedtime routine.

The benefits of being exposed to the outdoors are numerous, but as discussed earlier– getting there can be a challenging if you suffer from mobility impairments. That is why, we compiled a list of the TOP 5 Mobility Devices that will help you get outside!

1. Wheelchair: A staple in the mobility industry, whether it be a simple foldable wheelchair or a highly complex tilting wheelchair, this device is an ideal option for individuals who can propel themselves or have a caregiver who can assist them. Wheelchairs are created with durable frames and casters, with some models making them more suitable for outdoors use than others. More and more, wheelchairs are also becoming lighter and easier to push and store– carbon fiber and aluminum wheelchairs are quickly starting to dominate market preferences.

3. Mobility Scooter: Scooters are a good solution for individuals who either tire or suffer from lower-body pain when embarking on long walks. Rated for use on sidewalks– but also malls, indoors spaces, grass and other surfaces– power scooters come packed with features like headlights, shopping baskets and different size batteries. Whereas some are made to be taken apart (or even folded!) for easy transport, other Heavy Duty scooters are large enough that they need to be kept in your garage.

2. Power Wheelchair:  A power wheelchair combines the comfort and maneuverability of a wheelchair with the ruggedness and range of a mobility scooter. Usually operated with a sensitive joystick, power wheelchairs are suitable for use in most surfaces and eliminate the need for an individual to propel themselves or seek assistance to do so. As opposed to scooters– which can be bulky– power wheelchairs have an extremely tight turning radius, making them a good option for indoors use. They are the ultimate tool for independent living!

4. Rollator Walker: Oftentimes, individuals are advised to keep as active as possible during their daily activities. A great way to remain active while feeling safe and finding balance is by considering a rollator walker. Rollators are four-wheeled walkers that come equipped with a seat, back-rest and hand brakes. This device is ideal for outdoors use as the combination of brakes and a seat allows you to take a break from your walk to catch your breath!

5. Foldable Walker: This is the least invasive of the devices we just discussed. A simple, aluminum frame with two small wheels at the front, it provides more support and stability than a cane but doesn’t come equipped the features of a Rollator. Aluminum walkers are easy to fold (often with just one button!) and are ultra-light .

Wondering which device is best for you? Let Mediplus Mobility’s experts discuss your needs and priorities as we jointly discover a path for you to enjoy the outdoors again! Not only do we sell power wheelchairs, rollator walkers, walkers, wheelchairs and mobility scooters at excellent prices but they are also part of our comprehensive rental program.


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