Category Archives: Patient Lifts

Where can I find a Patient Lift or a Stand Assist Lift?

A Stand Assist Lift can be very similar to a Patient Lift. The Patient Lift is a device which can be used to move a person from one place to another, for instance from a wheelchair to the bed. In this particular case, the Patient Lift is needed for those that are completely incapable of […]

Mobility rentals vs. buying mobility equipment

Many of our existing and prospective customers often approach us with one important question. Should I rent or buy a mobility product? Mediplus Mobility offers people in South Florida both options– mobility rentals and home healthcare products for sale. So how do we help to better inform our customers’ decisions? Here are a few pointers […]

The Patient Lift: Easing your life and that of your caregiver

patient lift by drive

Varying degrees of mobility impairment require varying degrees of assistance for individuals and caregivers alike. For patients who are unable to transition between a wheelchair and bed independently for example , a patient lift helps to complete the task safely and seamlessly. Mediplus Mobility offers patient lifts for sale and for rent that are well cared […]